PD Exercise group returns to Greenfield YMCA

PD Exercise group returns to Greenfield YMCA

Boost your balance, and mobility during this 6 week program

Looking forward to improved fitness in the new year? Improved balance? How about improved confidence and strength?

The 6 week Parkinson's Community Wellness Program returns to the Greenfield YMCA this winter. This is an evidence based program designed to teach you a Parkinson's specific exercise program you can do on your own or integrate as a part of your active lifestyle. You will learn how to better control your PD symptoms with certain types of exercise, proven through research to help with current symptoms AND delay the disease progression.

This is a SMALL group setting of no more than 15 participants. Several staff assist with the program, providing an individualized supportive approach to mastering the program and learning information valuable for self management of the disease.

Feel free to take this class for the first time or RE-TAKE the class (at a reduced fee) and receive support needed for ongoing regular exercise. Included in this session will be balance and agility training and some basic Tai Chi- specific for Parkinsons.

Its hard work, but we always have fun!

Posted: to Parkinson's Exercise News on Sat, Jan 5, 2019
Updated: Sat, Jan 5, 2019