Comedy Fundraiser for Parkinson’s!

Comedy Fundraiser for Parkinson’s!

Social event for Western MA PD Community -Nov 10, 2019

Please join us for an afternoon of fun and laughter on Sunday November 10 from 1:30-3:30! Chad Moir from DopaFit and Deb Ellis are hosting this event to bring the community together and to thank the APDA of Massachusetts for its support of exercise, educational and social events programming in Western Massachusetts. Happier Valley Comedy of Hadley is providing the entertainment. Feel free to bring family and baked goods to share and get ready to laugh!

The event will be held at the WW II Banquet Hall, 50 Conz St in Northampton. The venue is fully accessible with lots of parking availability. Tickets are only $10 and all proceeds go to the APDA, Massachusetts Chapter.

Contact Deb or Chad with questions!

Deb Ellis- or 413-695-6069

Chad Moir- or 203-828-7189

Purchase tickets in advance by contacting Deb or Chad or by clicking on this link

See you there!!