Bilingual Exercise Program at the Holyoke YMCA

Bilingual Exercise Program at the Holyoke YMCA

English/Spanish 6 week exercise program for PD is starting Nov 2

Come join the fun and get moving!

This 6 week exercise class for people with PD will be held at teh Holyoke YMCA. It will begin November 2 and is fully funded by the APDA. See the attached flyer for information and how to register.

Unete a la diversion y meuvete'

La clase de ejercicios de seis semanas se llevara' a cabo en el Holyoke YMCA! Comenzara' el 2 de Noviembre y es totalmente financiado por la APDA de Massachusetts. . Consulte' el folleto adjunto para obtener informacion y como registrarse