6 Week Parkinsons Exercise Class Returns Greenfield

6 Week Parkinsons Exercise Class Returns Greenfield

Franklin County YMCA will again host Deb Ellis,PT

Please join us for a 6 week exercise program for people with Parkinson Disease. The class begins on October 2 nd meets 2x/week (Wed/Fri) for 6 weeks and will include exercise strategies proven through research to be effective in helping to manage PD symptoms and delay the progression of Parkinson deisease. Included in the program : Strengthening and flexibility exercises, and work on gait, posture and balance.You do not have to be a member of the YMCA to participate

To register, please contect Deb Ellis, PT - deb@debellispt.com 413-695-6069

or Jayne Trosin -jtrosin@your-y.org 413-773-3646 x448